Can I Use Well Care Drug Insurance Ar Safeway

Wellcare Part D Drug InsuranceIf you're shopping for a Medicare Part Prescription Drug plan, Wellcare might be a good choice. For 2022, they are offering three plans with various benefits and cost-sharing. From lowest to highest monthly premiums, those three plans are the Wellcare Value Script, Classic and Value Plus PDP.

Using our software, you can compare all three plans as well as several others. Click on the green "Compare Plans Now" button on the right to view their PDP plans and others side by side. Enrollment is quick, easy and at no extra cost to you.

Changes To 2022 Wellcare Drug Plans

Wellcare is consolidating from six plans to three. There are a few reasons for this, but if you're already enrolled in a 2021 plan you may be getting involuntarily moved to more expensive policy. That change can cost you more overall. It's wise to shop during Open Enrollment (October 15th thru December 7th) if these changes are affecting you.

The three plans that are no longer for sale (and that you cannot keep) are the Wellcare Wellness, Select and Saver plans.

The most popular (and least expensive) policy for 2022 is the Wellcare Value Script. In most states, your monthly premiums will be under $15 a month. This low-cost policy can be a good choice for those on mostly Tier I & II prescriptions. It has a $480 deductible, large network of preferred pharmacies and a robust formulary. (The deductible does not apply to Tier I & II drugs.)

The middle plan for 2022 is the Wellcare Classic PDP. It also has a $480 deductible. Premiums are closer to $30 a month in most areas of the country. This can be a good choice for those on more expensive prescriptions that fall outside of the first two Tiers.

The Wellcare Medicare Rx Value Plus plan is the most expensive offering. It has no deductible and will be closer to $70 a month. This PDP will only benefit a select few consumers who are taking several more costly prescription drugs.

One size does not fit all with Stand Alone PDP plans, so it's best to compare several. But if you're automatically getting enrolled into the Classic or Value Plus plan, you should click on the green button to the right. Enter your drugs and preferred pharmacy and make sure any changes offer you the most savings.

Wellcare's Nationwide Network Of Preferred Pharmacies

All Medicare Prescription Part D plans use a large network of pharmacies. Wellcare is no different. CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens, Safeway, Kroger, Publix & Giant Eagle are all preferred pharmacies among many other large retail stores. It's important to note that Walmart is not a preferred pharmacy for 2022.

Mail order is also an option for all three plans. You can have 90 day supply of most prescriptions delivered to your home. Whether you fill at your local pharmacy or by mail order, requesting a 90 day supply (when allowed) can lower your copays.

Low Prescription Drug Copays And Out Of Pocket Costs

Compare Medicare Drug PlansWhen shopping for a Part D coverage, you're comparing more than just the monthly premiums.

The overall cost is what matters most. This includes your premiums, deductibles and Rx copays.

You may not be saving money by selecting the lowest cost plan if your drug copays are higher. And many prescriptions are not subject to the deductible. Where you fill your Rxs matters too, of course. You want to factor it all in.

It's also important to consider Low Income Subsidy (LIS) programs if they're applicable to you. If your income is below certain amounts, the government subsidizes your coverage. This means lower premiums and copays in some cases. Medicare will notify you if you're eligible for their LIS program.

Otherwise you might consider GoodRx, CleverRx, manufacturing coupons, agencies in your resident State and/or other programs to help with high Rx costs. Using several programs can help you avoid the Coverage Gap/Donut Hole.

Contact Us For Quotes, Information And Enrollment

There are no Medicare supplement plans offered today that include Part D Drug coverage. It must be purchased separately. Enrolling in a PDP plan when first eligible avoids the Late Enrollment Penalty. It's a good idea to consider all of your options during Medicare Open Enrollment and when first eligible for coverage.

There is a lot to consider. Contact us today to learn more.

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Can I Use Well Care Drug Insurance Ar Safeway


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